International Association for Processing of Materials and Fabrication of Products


  • To take up research, aid, promote, guide, manage, coordinate, execute and disseminate activities in the following areas:
    • Processing of Materials and Fabrication of Products related to Aerospace, Defense, Automobile and other concern industries
    • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Modeling, Simulation & Synthesis
  • To conduct conferences, seminars, workshops, conference series and other one-time or periodic events to promote and to extend support for researchers to participate in mini symposia or workshops or publish a paper in India/abroad.
  • To publish papers, books, newsletters, web-sites and other modes of disseminating technical information; and to extend help in publishing scientific magazines, periodicals, journals monographs, compendia’s etc., if required.
  • To co-operate and collaborate with other national and/or foreign institution, scientific agencies, industry, research centers and educational institutions on specific projects and investigation in its domain areas relevant to the objects of the trust.
  • To carry out educational and training activities in its domain.
  • To facilitate research activities in its domain and communicate the results to appropriate communities.
  • To promote its domain among different constituency such as academia, industry, government and user community within country and abroad.
  • To further the frontiers of discourse of the theory and practice of its domain.
All the income, earnings and assets of the association shall be utilized for the promotion of its aims and objects and generally to do, in all, public charitable activities, for the benefit of the public without any discrimination of Caste, Creed, Color, Gender, Religion, Faith or any Nationality.

And the objects of the Association shall be for the purpose of ‘Charitable Purposes’ within the meaning of Section 2 (15) of the Income-tax Act, 1961; and the Trustees shall not carry on any business activities.