
  • Call for Abstracts
Abstracts are invited in the form of oral and poster presentations. All those desirous of participating and/or presenting a paper in the conference are requested to complete the online abstract submission. All the KEY-NOTE, INVITED and CONTRIBUTED technical papers presented at this scholarly technical event will be published with a confirmed ISBN number.

A registered delegate can present either one oral paper or one poster paper or a combination of one oral and one poster papers. Please note that one abstract login will allow only one abstract to be uploaded. You can login with another email to upload the second abstract.

    • Publications
    • Bound Volume [Book]: : Papers (about 10-20 pages in length) and submitted on time will be considered favorably for inclusion in the bound volume following a thorough peer review of each submitted manuscript.

      The collection of papers will be published and released as hard bound volume of the scholarly technical event and will have an ISBN number and given to the attending participants at the scholarly technical event.

    • Journal publication: Selected quality papers will be recommended to the SCI and Scopus Index Journal. The paper will go through the review process of the journal, but they will be acknowledged as papers presented at PAMFP- 2024. The journals are the following:
      •      An International Journal of Engineering and Technology
      •      IEI-Springer Journals
      •      Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor & Francis
      •      Sādhanā, Published by the Indian Academy of Sciences
      •      Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering
    •      Materials Today Proceedings
  •      MRS Bulletin of Materials Science
    • AWARD: Applied Research and Technology
    Student Award
    The following student awards will be given at the end of the scholarly technical conference:
    •      Best Oral Paper
    •      Best Poster Paper
    •      Best Creative Student

    • The papers will be selected for these awards by a committee and decision of the committee will be final.

      The important evaluation criteria will be (i) Quality of the extended abstract, (ii) Innovativeness of technical content, (iii) Importance given to research, (iv) Presentation layout/slides, (v) Presentation skills, and (vi) Time management.

      Presenters of the papers to be considered for an award must be a full-time student at a university/institute at the time of presentation.

  • Guidelines for Abstract Submission
    • Instructions for manuscript preparation and submission will be provided to the authors whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the conference.
    • Contributing authors are urged to plan to ensure that their manuscripts will be completed by the due date.
    • Oral or Poster presentation of the technical paper is a MUST for the inclusion of your ‘valued’ technical manuscript.
    • The Paper should be written in English.
    • Page Size: A4; Margins: Top 2.5 cm, Bottom 2.5 cm, left 3 cm, Right 3cm; No of Words: 300 (Max); Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 11 points; Spacing: Single Spaced; Keywords: Up to five keywords.

  • Topics
  • Topics Specific to the “World” of Materials
  •     Materials and Processing
  •       Biomaterials
  •       Carbon-Carbon Composites
  •       Ceramics/Ceramic-Matrix Composites
  •       Energy Materials
  •       Functionally Graded Materials
  •       High Energy Materials
  •       Intermetallic(s)
  •       Magnetic Materials
  •       Metals and Metal-Matrix Composites
  •       Metallic Sponge and Foam Materials
  •       Nano Materials and Nano Composites
  •       Phase Change Materials
  •       Polymer, Polymer-Matrix Composites
  •       Porous Materials, Foams
  •       Semi/Super Conducting Materials
  •       Surface Coatings, Thin Films, Colloids
  •       Self Healing Materials
  •       Shape Memory Alloys

  • Topics Specific to the “Marvels” of Manufacturing

    Manufacturing Technologies
  •       Additive Manufacturing
  •       Advanced Tribology
  •       Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, IoT
  •       Advanced Sustainable Smart Manufacturing
  •       MEMS/NEMS
    Modelling and Simulations
  •       Materials Properties Predictions
  •       Process - Microstructure - Property Relationship
  •       Process and Defect Formation

  • Industry Specific Focus
  •       Biomedical and Healthcare
  •       Energy Storage and Energy Harvesting
  •       Manufacturing Specific to Semiconductor Materials
  •       Functional Materials for Interdisciplinary Research (Health, Phytochemicals, Agriculture, and Environment

  • Appealing Attributes
  •       Industry Academia Interaction
  •       Startup Conclave